luni, 27 septembrie 2010

I'm moving on:

I'm moving out! No, not into this lovely home that you see in the picture! I have a new site:
I'm so sorry I couldn't move my archive there and I'll keep this one open for who wants to see older posts.
So, move with me on ! I want to ask my followers, if they would like, to keep doing that on my new site.
I'm so excited! I have still many things to build on it but is love at the first look!
I wish you all a lovely day!

sâmbătă, 25 septembrie 2010

SOS: I need your help

I need your help for a clothes line: Coup de Foudre or Capucine? Which is better? Which sounds more suitable for a basic line of clothes?

vineri, 24 septembrie 2010

Creezi sau donezi?


Creaza sau doneaza pentru cei care conteaza. Eveniment caritabil organizat de, sustinut de Orange concept store și (Romanian Fashion Bloggers) te invita la Orange concept store, sambata, 2 octombrie 2010, intre orele 11 si 18, la o petrecere creativa organizata in scop caritabil.

La acest eveniment sunt chemati toti cei care doresc sa intinda o mana de ajutor intr-un mod inedit: cei prezenti vor putea crea sau achizitiona accesorii cu tema TOAMNA in schimul unei sume modice si in scop caritabil. Fondurile stranse vor fi donate fundatiei COPII de CRISTAL pentru infiintarea unui centru de zi pentru copii cu nevoi speciale.
“Acest eveniment este continuarea editiei de Craciun si a celei de Paste. Un act firesc si o simpla initiativa voluntara. In fiecare editie alegem o cauza sugerata de membrii RFB” Roxana Radu – fondator
Toate accesoriile si ustensilele necesare pentru petrecerea creativa sunt donate de catre membrii RFB. George Neagu, Diana Bobar, Josephine, Agata Secelean si Biba Bijoux sunt doar cativa dintre designerii care vor dona accesorii special create pentru aceasta editie.
”Scopul principal al demersului nostru în cadrul “Creezi sau donezi”este atragerea de fonduri care vor asigura accesul persoanelor cu autism la sesiuni de terapie de specialitate, cat si a familiilor acestora. Terapia de specialitate reprezintă condiţia necesară şi obligatorie care va duce la îndeplinirea tuturor celorlalte obiective ce ţin de integrarea şi acceptarea socială.” Claudia Hriscanu – fundatia “Copiii de Cristal” Brasov
Asadar, sambata, 2 octombrie 2010, te asteptam pe calea Victoriei, nr.41, la Orange concept ctore, intre orele 11 si 18, fie sa iti pui in valoare talentul creativ in scop caritabil, fie sa ajuti o cauza nobila, cumparand accesorii si piese vestimentare.
Romanian Fashion Bloggers ( reprezinta bloggerii romani de moda, fie ca acestia lucreaza in industria modei romanesti, sau sunt doar pasionati de moda. RFB se considera a fi o comunitate, un blog colectiv si informational si o platforma unde se poate comenta liber despre moda in diversele ei forme – de la fotografie la modelling.
„COPIII DE CRISTAL” este o asociaţie a părinţilor cu copii cu nevoi speciale, persoană juridică de drept privat, fără scop patrimonial, non-guvernamentală.Una din nevoile cele mai urgente pentru întreaga zonă a Braşovului este înfiinţarea unui Centru de zi pentru copiii cu nevoi speciale. Nevoia este semnalată atât de părinţi cât şi de specialişti (medici neuropsihiatrii, psihologi, psihopedagogi, cadre didactice).
Mai multe detalii pe si Partener Media –

joi, 23 septembrie 2010



Window shopping in Bucharest


marți, 21 septembrie 2010

Miss Dior Cherie ad campaign

Marc Jacobs's new virtual boutique!

These pictures are from Marc Jacob's site. They represent a virtual boutique where you can find items from his collections! This is, simply, charming!

luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Let's talk about

Huge opportunity for romanian only! The fabulous designer, Adrian Oianu is going to teach some design courses! He's very talented and it would be a good occasion for those who want to make a carrier in this departament!

"Courses sched­ule:
Course 1. Fash­ion his­tory imple­mented in nowa­days fash­ion design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
This is not a course on fash­ion the­ory. It is on you enhanc­ing to apply, cre­atively, knowl­edge of fash­ion his­tory in con­tem­po­rary fash­ion design. It is on you learn­ing to dis­tin­guish sig­nif­i­cant ele­ments from fash­ion his­tory into nowa­days fashion.
Course 2. Art his­tory applied in con­tem­po­rary fashion
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
The course is on uncon­ven­tional inter­pre­ta­tions and pro­cess­ing from art his­tory. By under­stand­ing the major moments in art his­tory — an ini­ti­ated now — designer devel­ops aes­thetic taste, inspi­ra­tional capac­ity and con­cep­tual abil­ity. In brief, it is a course on stim­u­lat­ing cre­ativ­ity and under­stand­ing the process through which passes a cre­ative mind.
Course 3. Draw­ing, sil­hou­ette and flat sketch in fash­ion con­tem­po­rary design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
The course is on learn­ing how to use draw­ing as a cre­ative tool and both effi­cient and eco­nomic means in devel­op­ing your own fash­ion design con­cept. Draw­ing is stud­ied and applied as a weapon in test­ing and apply­ing your own ideas.
Course 4. Sewing tech­niques in fash­ion design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
Sewing tech­nol­ogy evolves each year. A cre­ative mind can use it in the pro­duc­tion and cre­ative process. The course is on learn­ing how to fully exploit lat­est machines and tech­nol­ogy start­ing from sewing, assem­bling, fin­ish­ing and dec­o­rat­ing techniques.
Course 5. Con­cep­tion of story-board and collection
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop"

luni, 13 septembrie 2010

Vogue Nippon october 2010: NO CRIME TO BE RICH

Starring: Alessandra Ambrosio and Ana Beatriz Barros
Styled by: Katie Grand
Photographer: Solve Sundsbo
The 60's are soooooo back and, of course, so damn inspiring! I can't believe my eyes: I just love this editorial!

vineri, 10 septembrie 2010


Kenzo's history book is coming out with an original fabric cover! Fourty years of the fashion house history will be related in one single book! Don't be fooled by the three different covers: it's the same contain with a different print! The book will be available on amazon with 47$. You'll find it in the concept stores and boutiques! launched a new layout! It's lovely! check it now! Beside the usual stuff, they created an online archive since 1892 to present. It's a small step for Vogue, but a big one for fashion history!

sâmbătă, 4 septembrie 2010

Miuccia Prada said...

...and she's right!

vineri, 3 septembrie 2010

Lanvin and HM collaboration!

It official! Alber Elbaz, Lanvin 's art director, talks about the collaboration between the french fashion house and the swedish clothing company, H&M. I think it will be great! I'm eagger to see it and but it!!

joi, 2 septembrie 2010

Statements Fall 2010



Ski masterpiece




Shearling coats

Burberry Prorsum







Alexander Mc Queen






Yves Saint Laurent




Giambattista Valli


Gareth Pugh




Louis Vuitton

miercuri, 1 septembrie 2010