luni, 20 septembrie 2010

Let's talk about

Huge opportunity for romanian only! The fabulous designer, Adrian Oianu is going to teach some design courses! He's very talented and it would be a good occasion for those who want to make a carrier in this departament!

"Courses sched­ule:
Course 1. Fash­ion his­tory imple­mented in nowa­days fash­ion design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
This is not a course on fash­ion the­ory. It is on you enhanc­ing to apply, cre­atively, knowl­edge of fash­ion his­tory in con­tem­po­rary fash­ion design. It is on you learn­ing to dis­tin­guish sig­nif­i­cant ele­ments from fash­ion his­tory into nowa­days fashion.
Course 2. Art his­tory applied in con­tem­po­rary fashion
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
The course is on uncon­ven­tional inter­pre­ta­tions and pro­cess­ing from art his­tory. By under­stand­ing the major moments in art his­tory — an ini­ti­ated now — designer devel­ops aes­thetic taste, inspi­ra­tional capac­ity and con­cep­tual abil­ity. In brief, it is a course on stim­u­lat­ing cre­ativ­ity and under­stand­ing the process through which passes a cre­ative mind.
Course 3. Draw­ing, sil­hou­ette and flat sketch in fash­ion con­tem­po­rary design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
The course is on learn­ing how to use draw­ing as a cre­ative tool and both effi­cient and eco­nomic means in devel­op­ing your own fash­ion design con­cept. Draw­ing is stud­ied and applied as a weapon in test­ing and apply­ing your own ideas.
Course 4. Sewing tech­niques in fash­ion design
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop
Sewing tech­nol­ogy evolves each year. A cre­ative mind can use it in the pro­duc­tion and cre­ative process. The course is on learn­ing how to fully exploit lat­est machines and tech­nol­ogy start­ing from sewing, assem­bling, fin­ish­ing and dec­o­rat­ing techniques.
Course 5. Con­cep­tion of story-board and collection
Length: 4 weeks, once / week, 2 hours / workshop"

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