Snobbish breakfast este o colectie frumoasa de rochii lungi, realizata de Ana, detinatoarea blogului http://www.highstreetcardigans.com. Imi place foarte mult stilul ei vestimentar, este original, si totul ii vine atat de natural, incat crezi ca hainele au fost croite special pentru ea.
De curand a scos o mini colectie de rochii maxi, care mi-a incantat privirea si nu am putut sa ma abtin sa nu scriu despre ea. Sunt simple si foarte chic! Ideea acestei colectii s-a nascut din adoratia pe care o are pentru imaginea snoaba si superficiala a unei femei, imbracate intr-o rochie de seara, intr-un bistrou parisian, asa scrie si pe http://www.highstreetcardigans.com/2010/07/world-meet-snobbish-breakfast.html
Snobbish breafast is a beautiful collection of maxi dress made by Ana, the blog's owner: http://www.highstreetcardigans.com/ . I like very much her style, she's original, and the clothes fit her so natural, that you'd think they are made especially for her.
Recently, she launched a mini collection of maxi dresses, which delighted my eyes and I couldn't help not writing about it. The dresses are simple and chic! The collection's idea was born from the love she has for the ,,snobbish and superficial image of the woman having breakfast in an evening gown in some Parisian like bistrou" as she write here: http://www.highstreetcardigans.com/2010/07/world-meet-snobbish-breakfast.html
I wish her luck!
Girls, what are you waiting for? Go and shop till you drop!
cool photos!
Beautiful dresses!
RăspundețiȘtergereJust came across your blog! It is lovely!
Ana e foarte talentata si are un stil aparte.Ai postat si rochia mea(ma rog,nu e a mea) preferata.Penultima... :)
RăspundețiȘtergereFabulous dresses. They are divin. And love your header pic :)
Sunt superbe rochiile. Imi place foarte mult prima :X
RăspundețiȘtergere..so beautiful maxi - chic ..
RăspundețiȘtergerei llllove these.
RăspundețiȘtergeretheyre beautiful.<3
OMG the dresses are to die for! My fav is teh green-yellow? haha well teh fourth one!
Those gowns are fantastic and you can tell the model loves them!!
those are beautiful maxi dresses! I never imagined Maxi-dresses looking so elegant! :)
Jennfier & Sherry
Great post!Lovely dresses!Kisses.
RăspundețiȘtergereThe second dress is beautiful!
RăspundețiȘtergerethese pictures are amazing, i love the black dress.
RăspundețiȘtergereDroool. The one shoulder dresses are divine! The colors, the cut, the material... so perfect!